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My Community Library (Myli)

Case Study

What will libraries look like 20 years from now?


in summary

My Community Library Ltd (Myli) was facing significant changes to its structure and operating model. A shift away from council funding to a self-funded not-for-profit operating model provides the opportunity to expand services and geography but may also bring new challenges and new competitors.

in detail

My Community Library Ltd (Myli) was the operator of library services across three councils in Melbourne’s outer eastern region. Following new state government legislation it had recently made a significant change to its structure and operating model. Now operating as a self-funded not-for-profit there was an opportunity to expand services and geography but in doing so it was likely to face new challenges and new competitors.

As part of this shift, the CEO was tasked with developing a 20-year strategy to help guide the organisation forward. To help navigate this uncertainty and better understand the strategic options that may occur over such a long-time horizon, Myli engaged Simon to develop a set of future scenarios looking at Myli’s operating environment out to 2040.

Over a period of two months simon worked closely with the leadership team and gained input from the board and the broader organisation to shape the scenarios. These scenarios were then used in a series of facilitated workshops with senior leaders and the Myli Board to identify the potential risks and opportunities the board and leadership team needs to be thinking about as part of their 20 year strategy.

The work not only served to identify new risks and opportunities the board and leadership team hadn’t previously considered, it also galvanised the board to assess it’s structure and composition to ensure it had the required skills to operate in a more dynamic and competitive environment.
I would happily recommend Simon if you are looking for someone who will encourage you to expand your imagination, to get you thinking on another level, to consider new ideas, to think outside the box. Simon is engaging, interactive, and challenges your way of thinking. He is professional and creative, down-to-earth, and a likeable character who will help you get to where you need to be.
Annemarie Mccabe
Chair, My Community Library
Mayor, Baw Baw Shire Council

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Case Study #2

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Case Study #3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,

Case Study #4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,


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