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simon's BLOG

Blog, Simon Waller Live

The content creators lottery

I have never really been a gambler. I don’t sink money into slot machines, I get fleeced on poker nights, and my failure to ‘get’ the Melbourne Cup is a constant reminder to people that I’m not a native Victorian. But as what others might call a ‘content creator’ (which

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Blog, Simon Waller Live

Is ‘buy-in’ enough?

At various times we’ve all wanted other people’s buy-in. We want to get stakeholders to buy into our agenda, staff to buy into our strategy, and our boss to buy into our ideas (at least according to Harvard Business Review). The need to get buy-in is a widely accepted truth

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Blog, Simon Waller Live

The Delayed Implications of Big Decisions

A lot of clients, especially in local government, are dealing with significant financial constraints right now. On top of the rate cap, which has been in place for a number of years, recent inflationary pressure plus changes to Workcover and the Waste Levy have put some organisations in a precarious

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Blog, Simon Waller Live

The status quo should always be an option

When you look around your workplace how often do important decisions get put on ‘the back-burner’? Sometimes the back-burner is a place to put decisions that have been de-prioritised, but more often it’s a place to put decisions no one wants to make. Decision avoidance is a form of psychological inertia that

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Blog, Simon Waller Live


Our personal energy is perhaps our most precious resource, and if we’re a leader in an organisation, the collective personal energy of our people is something that needs to be protected and nurtured. If there is one thing you could do at this time of year to help your people

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Blog, Simon Waller Live

The need for a collective world view

A couple of weeks back, I ran a scenario workshop for one of my local government clients. The workshop took the entire leadership team of 90 out of the office for the entire day. As a consultant and facilitator, you’re acutely aware that in such situations, whatever you are getting

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Blog, Simon Waller Live

Look for signals in out-of-the-way places

If you’ve noticed my absence from email and social media for the last few weeks, it’s because I’ve just spent a month in the US on a family holiday (and if you haven’t noticed my absence, I promise I’m not taking it personally). Even though the trip was entirely recreational,

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Blog, Simon Waller Live
Art of Future Thinking

The challenges that are close were once far away

I’ve recently completed a series of workshops on the Art of Future Thinking for a couple of clients, and there was one idea I shared that got significant pushback. In the workshop, I shared the story of competing in the 2004 Sydney Hobart yacht race. Unfortunately, the weather conditions in

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Work With Simon

If you’re considering Simon for an upcoming event, the first step is to check his availability. You can do this by filling out the form below, contacting Sarah at 1300 66 55 85 (within Australia), or emailing her at  sa***@si*********.au .

Assuming your preferred dates are available we can arrange a call with Simon over your video-conferencing platform of choice to discuss your requirements.

Online Event

session 7

with simon waller

8 spots available

Improving Decision-Making in Government

Online Event

session 6

with simon waller

8 spots available

Improving Decision-Making in Government


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